Preparatory Work 80th Session (August 2021) now available online
The preparatory work for the 80th session of the Institute of International Law which will be held in August 2021 is now available online:
It concerns the reports and draft resolutions from the commissions on:
- “Human Rights and Private International Law” 4th Commission, Rapporteur Mr Fausto Pocar;
- “Are there Limits to the Dynamic Interpretation of the Constitution and Statutes of International Organizations by the Internal Organs of such Organizations (with Particular Reference to the UN System)?” 7th commission, Rapporteur Ms Mahnoush Arsanjani;
- “Epidemics and International Law” 12th commission, Rapporteur Mr Shinya Murase;
- “Territorial Administration by the United Nations and other International Institutions authorized by the United Nations” 13th commission, Rapporteur Mr Linos-Alexandre Sicilianos.
These reports will also be published in hard copy in volume 81 of the Yearbook of the Institute of International Law by Editions A. Pedone, 13, rue Soufflot, 75005 Paris, France + 33 (0)1 43 54 05 97 (expected July 2021).