Event on 27 April 2022: The Work of the Institute of International Law
Organized by the International Law Department of the Graduate Institute and the Institute of International Law (Institut de Droit international), you are cordially invited
to a briefing on:
The Work of the Institute of International Law
During its 2021 Session, the Institute of International Law (Institut de Droit international or IDl), a Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and the oldest institution in the field of international law, adopted four resolutions on:
- Epidemics, Pandemics and International Law;
- Human Rights and Private International Law;
- Limits to Evolutive Interpretation of the Constituent Instruments of the Organizations within the United Nations System by their internal Organs;
- Territorial Administration by the United Nations and other International Institutions Authorized by the United Nations.
The Rapporteurs of the Commissions who worked on these topics will provide a briefing on these Resolutions:
- Prof. Shinya Murase, ILC member
- Prof. Fausto Pocar, ad hoc Judge of the ICJ
- Prof. Mahnoush Arsanjani, President and Judge of the World Bank Administrative Tribunal
- Prof. Linos-Alexandre Sicilianos, former President and Judge of the ECtHR
The event will be moderated by Prof. Marcelo Kohen, Secretary-General of the Institute of International Law and Faculty Member of the International Law Department.
To register for online or in-person attendance, please visit the website of the Graduate Institute.