Invitation: Conference in honour of Professor Marcelo Kohen, on the occasion of his retirement (as Professor), 30 September 2022
To register, go here:
8h45 – 9h00
Ouverture de la Conférence /Opening of the Conference
9h00 – 9h30
Conférence inaugurale/ Opening Lecture
- Prof. Lucius Caflisch
Emeritus Professor of International Law
Former Director, The Graduate Institute
Member of the Institut de Droit International
9h30 – 11h00
Panel 1
L’État et le statut d’État en droit international: effectivité vs. légalité/ State and Statehood in International Law: Effectiveness v. Legality
- Prof. Jorge Viñuales
Harold Samuel Chair, University of Cambridge, Member of the Institut de Droit International
- Prof. Pierre Marie Dupuy
Emeritus Professor of International Law at University of Paris 2, Panthéon-Assas, and at The Graduate Institute, Member of the Institut de Droit International - Prof. Mamadou Hébié
Associate Professor of International Law, Grotius Centre, Leiden University - Prof. Anne Peters
Director, Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, Heidelberg, Member of the Institut de Droit International
11h00 – 11h30
Pause-café/Coffee break/
11h30 – 13h00
Panel 2
Les défis du règlement des différends en droit international/Challenges in international dispute settlement
- Prof. Zachary Douglas KC
Professor of International Law, The Graduate Institute
- H. E. Xue Hanqin
Judge and Former Vice-President of the International Court of Justice, Member and Former President of the Institut de Droit International - Prof. Laurence Boisson de Chazournes
Professor of International Law and Director of the LLM in International Dispute Settlement (MIDS), University of Geneva, Member of the Institut de Droit International - Prof. Photini Pazartzis
Professor of International Law, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, Chairperson, UN Human Rights Committee
13h00 – 14h30
Pause déjeuner/Lunch break
15h00 – 16h30
Panel 3
Le droit international en théorie et en pratique/International law in theory and practice
- Prof. Paola Gaeta
Professor of International Law, The Graduate Institute
- Prof. Andrew Clapham
Professor of International Law, The Graduate Institute - Prof. Patricia Galvão Teles (by video conference)
Professor of International Law, Autonomous University of Lisbon, Member of the International Law Commission, Member of the Institut de Droit International - Prof. Georg Nolte
Judge at the International Court of Justice, Member of the Institut de Droit International
16h30 – 17h00
Hommages à une longue carrière/Tributes to a long career
Pause-café/Coffee break
- Prof. Georges Abi Saab
Emeritus Professor of International Law at The Graduate Institute,
Member of the Institut de Droit International
Discours d’adieu du Prof. Marcelo Kohen/Farewell speech by Professor Marcelo Kohen
Avec le soutien de la Mission Permanente de la République Argentine auprès des Organisations Internationales à Genève/With the support of the Permanent Mission of the Argentine Republic to the International Organizations in Geneva.
En présence du S.E. Amb. Federico Villegas, Représentant permanent de la République Argentine auprès des organisations internationales à Genève/In the presence of H.E. Amb. Federico Villegas, Permanent Representative of the Argentine Republic to the International Organisations in Geneva.