In this section you can find the publications by the Institute. The section is divided as follows:

  • Yearbooks: full text of the Yearbooks from 1873 until 2000
  • Resolutions: resolutions of the Institute from 1873 until present. The resolutions of the Institute have been published only in French until the Session of Grenade (1956) after which also English versions are available (1957 – present).
  • Reports: the reports that were published in the Yearbooks from 2007 until 2017.
  • Declarations: contains the two declarations issued by the Institute on the use of force (2003) and piracy (2009)

Search tips (especially for the Yearbooks):

  • If you want to search by keyword through all publications, use a general search engine, e.g. Google, go to ‘advanced settings’, and narrow your search results by site ‘’
  • For some systems, the Yearbook loads much faster in the Internet Explorer browser (please note that due to the size it sometimes takes some time before the file can be opened)
  • For the Yearbooks from 1873 to 1971, the table of contents can be found at the end of the book, whereas from 1973 onward the table of contents can be found at the beginning

For a quick overview of all Resolutions, download the overview

The Yearbooks of the Institute can be ordered in hard copy with Pedone and reprints of volumes 1 to 58 can be ordered with Schmidt Periodicals.


I. Règlement sur la responsabilité des Etats à raison des dommages soufferts par des étrangers en cas d’émeute, d’insurrection ou de guerre civile

II. Règles sur la détermination de la loi qui doit régir les obligations contractuelles à titre de droit supplétif

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